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A versatile pattern - short or long sleeve dress
2 lengths (above knee, above the ankles) 
Buttoned front opening with facing 
Crossed back, optional side pockets 
French seams at sides


Multiple versions of a dress for all seasons

Sewing level: intermediate 

What you will practice with this sewing pattern: how to assemble a facing, how to sew patched pockets, how to gather, how to assemble fancy short sleeves, how to do French seams.


Age range: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years


Lengh of the finished dress: (from shoulder to bottom): 3y : 52/75cm, 4y : 55/79cm,  5y : 58/83cm, 6y : 62/87cm, 7y : 65/91cm, 8y : 68/95cm, 9y : 72/100cm, 10y : 76/105cm, 11y : 80/110cm, 12y : 84/115cm

Ikatee Anna Dress - Girl 3/12Y

€ 16,00Prijs



    Maandag 10.30 - 17.00 uur
    Woensdag 10.30 - 17.00 uur
    Donderdag 10.30 - 17.00 uur

    Vrijdag 10.30 - 17.00 uur
    Zaterdag 10.3
    0 - 17.00 uur

    Schagchelstraat 27
    2011 HW Haarlem

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